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时间:2010-5-20 19:07:07 点击:33















  [1] 距今一千八百多年前,古老的中国大地上……






















  陶谦跟儿子说自己本想结交曹操,却弄巧成拙。“弄巧成拙”是出自宋朝黄庭坚的《拙轩颂》:“弄巧成拙,为蛇画足。 曹操对刘备说,当年他征袁术的时候,对士兵们说:“士兵们,我知道前面有一大片梅林,那里的梅子又大又好吃,我们快点赶路,绕过这个山丘就到梅林了!”士兵们一听,仿佛已经吃到嘴里,精神大振,步伐不由得加快了许多。刘备接了一句”丞相望梅止渴必能流传千古,然而“望梅止渴”出自南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·假谲(jué)》,刘备又穿越了。而曹操竟然把征讨的对象从张绣变成了袁术。


























  现任中国人民解放军空军电视艺术中心导演的高希希,1962年在江西出生,因为受家庭的影响,他从小学习绘画,先在江西文艺学校学美术,然后到浙江美术学院进修,毕业后,高希希便在江西电影制片厂从事美工工作。在做美工期间,他对导演这份职业一直心怀憧憬。1990年,高希希考上了北京电影学院导演系研究生。毕业后,他的导演之路也正式展开,从1994年开始,电视电影、电影、电视剧,高希希一一涉足,他拍摄的作品囊括了包括电视剧 “飞天奖”、“金鹰奖”、电视电影“百合奖”、电影“华表奖”几乎所有重要奖项。近几年,高希希将工作重心放在了电视剧上,从2002年的《花非花》到《结婚十年》、《历史的天空》,再到《与爱同生》、《搭错车》。




















角色 饰演者
曹操(字孟德) 陈建斌
司马懿(字仲达) 倪大红
曹冲(字苍舒) 安彭泽宇
曹丕(字子桓) 于滨
曹彰(字子文) 李枫
曹植(字子建) 李继春
曹睿(字元仲) 杨德民
静姝 李依晓
卞夫人 白玉
郭太后 王迪
曹皇后 刘梓娇
荀彧(字文若) 李建新
郭嘉(字奉孝) 王今心
程昱(字仲德) 蒋昌义
许攸(字子远) 许毛毛
夏侯渊(字妙才) 李奇龙
曹仁(字子孝) 杨光
曹洪(字子廉) 李代庆
曹真(字子丹) 赵晋
曹爽(字昭伯) 夏添
曹嵩(字巨高) 郭继云
曹芳(字兰卿) 袁绍熊
张辽(字文远) 程相银
张郃(字儁乂) 谭建昌
徐晃(字公明) 陈威
于禁(字文则) 吴克刚
许褚(字仲康) 郭涛
李典(字曼成) 曹国新
庞德(字令明) 田翔
杨修(字德祖) 金毅
蒋干(字子翼) 李木戈
吴质(字季重) 王茂累
钟繇(字元常) 李华
华歆(字子鱼) 张喜前
王朗(字景兴) 刘秉钰
陈群(字长文) 孙海
董昭(字公仁) 杨传喜
司马师(字子元) 赵大成
司马昭(字子尚) 刘国光
夏侯霸(字仲权) 胡春勇
郝昭(字伯道) 秦梵翔
郭淮(字伯济) 张歉
孙礼(字德达) 李亚天
秦朗 晋有为
蔡阳 胡子
牛金 大林



角色 饰演者
诸葛亮(字孔明) 陆毅
刘备(字玄德) 于和伟
关羽(字云长) 于荣光
张飞(字翼德) 康凯
赵云(字子龙) 聂远
魏延(字文长) 王新军
黄忠(字汉升) 宋乘道
马超(字孟起) 陈奕霖
刘禅(字公嗣) 王鹤鸣
庞统(字士元) 杜旭东
法正(字孝直) 张新华
张松(字永年) 刘亚津
姜维(字伯约) 叶鹏
马良(字季常) 吴自千
马谡(字幼常) 郑仕明
孙乾(字公佑) 杨瑞
关平 范近轮
周仓 张胜阳
糜芳 (字子方) 洪胖子
张苞(字安邦) 柴进
关兴(字安国) 魏智
马岱 夏天
李严 邓利明
王平(字子均) 王欢
高翔 陈刚
严颜 李旭
黄权(字公衡) 孙万清
杨仪(字威公) 陈珊珊
糜夫人 商忆沙
甘夫人 唐姊娣



角色 饰演者
孙权(字仲谋) 张博
孙权(少年时期) 郑伟
孙策(字伯符) 沙溢
孙坚(字文台) 范雨林
周瑜(字公瑾) 黄维德(中国台湾)
鲁肃(字子敬) 霍青
吕蒙(字子明) 常铖(新加坡)
陆逊(字伯言) 邵峰
张昭(字子布) 申杰
诸葛瑾(字子瑜) 曹毅
孙小妹(孙尚香) 林心如(中国台湾)
大乔 刘竞
小乔 赵柯
吴国太 康群智
乔国老 薛晓龙
程普(字德谋) 钟明和
黄盖(字公覆) 刘魁
韩当(字义公) 刘军
甘宁(字兴霸) 夏小龙
周泰(字幼平) 侯杰
徐盛(字文向) 孙岩
丁奉(字承渊) 姜燚
朱然(字义封) 朱磊
潘璋(字文圭) 韩鑫
孙桓(字叔武) 纪宾俊
虞翻(字仲翔) 齐环
陆绩(字公纪) 贾群
薛琮(字敬文) 杨瑞
严峻(字曼才) 张启富
程秉(字德枢) 王进军
张温(字惠恕) 陈兵
贾华 廖伟力
周善 赵水晶



角色 饰演者
汉献帝(字伯和) 罗晋
汉献帝(少年时期) 叮咚
吕布(字奉先) 何润东(美国)
貂蝉 陈好
蔡夫人(蔡氏) 曹曦文
王允(字子师) 郑天庸
董卓(字仲颖) 吕晓禾
袁绍(字本初) 许文广
袁术(字公路) 阎沛
袁谭(字显思) 柳龙
袁熙(字显奕) 蓝天
公孙瓒(字伯圭) 王宝刚
陶谦(字恭祖) 佟汉
孔融(字文举) 王庆祥
刘岱(字公山) 徐萧
刘表(字景升) 姬成功
刘璋(字季玉) 李跃民
刘琦 樊营
张任 碌碌
张鲁(字公祺) 李大光
马腾(字寿成) 宁生
韩遂(字文约) 胡沙
司马徽(字德操) 王世俊
崔州平 曹占军
徐庶(字元直) 姚岗
诸葛均 汝晓斌
普净 范世德
华佗(字元化) 蔡军
董承 高宝松
董贵妃 白芸
陈宫(字公台) 孙洪涛
陈圭(字汉瑜) 陆继东
陈登(字元龙) 尚悦
李儒 宋重东
李傕(字稚然) 龚志学
郭汜 龚志玺
华雄 丁晓楠
颜良 李旭
文丑 王孟川
田丰(字元皓) 徐涛
郭图(字公则) 韩振国
蔡瑁(字德圭) 刘丹
蔡中 郭淼鑫
纪灵 陈福生
蔡和 李方耀
刑道荣 王文涛
范疆 董志勇
刘度 王世责








































  作词:易茗 作曲:赵季平

  编配:赵麟 演唱:廖昌永






  鼎之轻重 可以问吗

  弹剑作歌 披挂上马 霸王大业不是空话

  男儿碰撞 一团火花 百年人生 瞬间光华

  塞北秋风猎马 江南春雨杏花

  千古江山如诗如画 还我一个太平天下

  千古江山如诗如画 还我一个太平天下



  作词:易茗 作曲:赵季平

  编配:赵麟 演唱:谭晶

  大梦方觉 山川依旧 古战场上几度春秋

  路没有头 情不能收 检点平生志未酬

  青梅煮酒要把话儿说透 天下英雄谁是敌手

  烈火飞舟 你必须回头 江东子弟也风流

  不是空也不是有 一缕英魂到永久

  不是去也不是留 往来在人间 与天地同寿 与天地同寿



































夕阳战场残如血 马阵纷杂乱金戈



以史之名新《三国》 推陈出新旧演义


脸谱画就新创意 性格剖析老传统




陈年旧物埋尘埃 妙笔生花绽炫彩



  新《三国》中也有不少关于华佗的故事,如为周泰治金疮,为关羽疗箭毒,为曹操医头风等。并通过曹操的御史大夫华歆之口说出了华伦的高超医术。 第七十八回中,华歆说:"华佗字元化,沛国谯群人也。其医术之妙,世所罕有:但有患者,或用药,或用针,或用灸,随手而愈。若患五脏六腑之疾,药不能效者,以麻肺(沸)汤饮之,令病者如醉死,却用尖刀剖开其腹,以药汤洗其脏腑,病人略无疼痛。洗毕,然后以药线缝口,用药敷之;或一月;或二十日,即平复矣;其神妙如此!……" 古代由于缺乏麻醉药,外伤病人在手术过程中十分痛苦,经常痛得昏过去。华佗根据《神农本草经》中关于乌头、莨菪子、精业本草、羊踯躅功效的记载,又组织自己的临床经验,将几种具有麻醉作用的药物,编了一组医方。经过多次试验,证实这些药物确有麻醉作用。华佗将这医方定名为"麻沸散"。据记载"麻沸散"是由蔓陀罗花壹斤,生乌草、香白芷、当归、川芎各四钱,天南星一钱组成。华佗又从多喝酒,能使人醉不省人事中得到启发,将"麻沸散"和酒在外科手术前一起吞服,麻醉效果则更好,由于全身麻醉的应用,使外科手术在治疗疾病中得到广泛开展。据史书记载,华佗曾有酒服麻沸散做过肿瘤切除、脾切除、肠胃吻合等腹部大手术。史书《后汉书》也有记载"若疾发结于了,针药所不能及者,乃令先以酒吞麻沸散,既醉无所觉,因刳破腹背,抽割积聚。若在肠胃,则断载湔洗,除去疾秽,既而颖合,付以神膏,四五日创愈,一月之间皆平复"。这与现代医学的外科手术程序非常相近。 华佗在公元二--三世纪已发明了麻沸散,而西方医学家使用乙醚或笑气进行全身麻醉是在19世纪40年代,比中国足足迟了一千六百多年。所以,华佗不仅是中国第一个,也是世界上第一个使用麻醉术进行手术的人。在当时的历史条件下,华佗的麻沸散和高难度的外科手术技术,确实是祖国医学和我国古代文化的骄傲。 华佗不仅是世上全身麻醉药的发明者,从《三国演义》第七十五回来看,华佗局部手术的止血减痛方法,也足足比西方要早一千三百多年。 关羽在樊城一战,右臂受毒箭所伤后,华佗从江东驾一小舟,特为关羽治疗箭伤。




95 episode TV series "Three Kingdoms" is a television production center in Communication University of China planning project, by the strength of several film and television production sector in China jointly produced by crossing the theme of the play has been designated as full support of the State Administration of Radio key drama. Play from the "Three Kingdoms" posters began to write the script in 2004, five drafts, the official start in September 2008 and in 2010 in the grand world premiere. United States Hong Kong and Taiwan drama brings together the three sides cast powerful and huge investment, so the magnificent scene, touching. "Three Kingdoms" by the performance of the Eastern Han Dynasty from the pet, to the Battle of Guandu, Chibi World War Three Kingdoms, to the family usurped the throne, Sima Wei Jin go after the whole process of the world, confirmed to "People", "benevolence" based, Control the world gather people first thought; promote the Loyalty to serve the country, the overall situation, broad-minded and courageous, indomitable, Shigenobu Shigeyoshi good will of the Chinese nation, such as the quality and spirit of an "three" posters systems; shows the Humanities philosophizing, military and political strategy, internal and external policy plan, tactics FIGHTING profound Chinese culture, such as culture and wisdom; filled with magnificent gallant, indomitable upright. Is sung in "Dong Zhuo to Beijing, Cao Dong thorn" opening, after the "princes cutting Dong Alliance", "Diao Chan dedicated inter traitor", "'s crowded wins Xuzhou", "Guandu big war in the north", "Huoshaochibi set 3 points "," three rival powers the Xu Li, "" Failure Shu Yiling fire "until the last," Zhuge Liang Sima war soldiers battle of wits "paragraph of this series of circumstances. Faithful to the original opera, based on the integration of historical facts, the numerous and voluminous material to be refined, tailoring, making the entire play structure, symmetry, compact, showing a coherent, intense, face ups and downs, its continuity, compactness, drama reached a new height. In addition to "three" production, the process of development as the main axis plot, this opera has also set up many wonderful vice line. Such as: Wei-house set in the "entropy wins battle Cao Scholars", "Cao Pi and Chen Fei's love entanglement", "Cao and Sima's throne battle" and vice lines; Shu-house set in "shut down on Zhuge from dissatisfied to trust", "Jingzhou Department will Sendai old veterans from the opposition to Care", "Liu Bei and Zhuge's strategic differences" and vice lines; the Wu set within the "war party and Advocates in the differences "and" old general stereotypes of the young guard "," Sun Quan and Zhou Yu cooperation and confrontation "and Vice-line. Full of conflict throughout the play, main clues structured, dynamic deployment of appropriate levels of detail, the structure reflects the high skills. The show has shaped Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, Sima Yi the six core characters, and Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun, Emperor Xian, Yuan Shao, Sun Ce, the Wu Kingdom, Lu, Wei Yan and a series of life-like main characters, but also shaped Lu Su,】 【Jia Xu, Chen Gong, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, France is, the image of Pang Tong, etc. Wonderful counselor, and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Xu Zhu, Dian Wei 【 】, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Air /, Xiahou Dun, Gongsun Zan idols such as the image of God of War level, as well as Diao Chan, Chen Fei, Cai Wenji, Sun Xiaomei, the size of Joe, Jing Shu, Cao, the Bian and so with remarkable beauty image - they are excellent representatives of the Three Kingdoms era style of wonderful people. In shaping these characters when the play while following the original, it combines historical facts and the law to fit the art of full and strive to give people a wealth of character side. Throughout the play, a named role in up to more than 300, of which nearly a hundred important people there, great to show an abnormal dazzling array of colorful characters scroll. Not only that, the play also shows the ink with exquisite "flying bear arms," "stuck camp," "White Horse sense from the" "Butch ride" "Euphorbia disabilities" "with Nu Bing", a mysterious ancient extraordinary special forces The group portrait, which works in the three countries is the first time Movies and TV, when a big bright spot. This is a high-profile, long-awaited major historical costume drama.
[Edit this section] Plot
[1] 1800 years ago, the ancient land of China ... ... China has experienced at this time, "Han" imperial glory, civilization has reached a very high level. However, the court eunuchs and Dukes of the struggle within the ferocious onslaught of the disease as the general, a hundred years are tightly entangled with the lifeblood of the Han empire, young emperor only as a puppet; the soldier dead weight of the local warlords are dramatically expanding their military forces; in the civil, natural disasters year after year, tyranny run rampant, people are living in misery ... ... In this way, lasted 400 years, the precarious regimes of the Han empire, seeing a huge upheaval is coming up - and this the coming round of the troubled times will last 100 years, that has been eulogized the great legends of the times so far - "Three." Legend of Cao Cao's orders to the big world the beginning of the era, is the gathering surge of peasant uprisings - the famous Yellow Turbans. Many heroes from folk, such as Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, the three sworn brothers, have for helping local official put down the Yellow Turban army from the initial military force has accumulated. Subsequently, the Yellow Turbans although the first eight months after the outbreak will come down, but appreciate the extent of the Han Empire has no chance to live. At this point the struggle against the eunuchs and the Dukes to a white-hot level of force to completely destroy the eunuchs, the capital of the young guard leaders Sili noble XiaoWei XiaoWei Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in the military Code of confusion was the bloody massacre of the eunuchs, Yuan Shao also called Please barbarians from the northwest edge of China's Dong to Beijing, helping to destroy the eunuchs. The "Wolf" program although more resourcefulness of Cao Cao was strong opposition, but still insists on Yuan Shao. Proved to Beijing Dong caused even greater confusion. He destroy the original young emperor, to seize power as "Grand Preceptor" right inone, dissolute excessive, indiscriminate killing of innocent people, caused nationwide outrage. Most importantly, he also used a masterpiece unparalleled BMW - Red Hare bought this era of Mars to earth-shattering Lu Bu, to receive justice for their son. And Dong Hun arm of the military forces and the Western Liang also called the most sturdy of military force at this time, almost no one enemy. Pesticides in order for the country, deliberately flattering Dongzhuo Cheng Cao Cao as his minions, and then wait for an opportunity to assassinate him, but failed. Cao Cao to escape the capital's rallying cry, brought together, including Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian and other important figures in the future, including the whole of China 18 Princes Road, Alliance, common crusade against Dong Zhuo. After several fierce battle, the Emperor Dong Zhuo moved the capital to flee kidnapped and burned the capital. At this point, 18 Pioneer Road, princes allied forces - from the Sun Jian led the first army captured the capital of Changsha, occasionally received imperial power of the emperor on behalf of the Central States Communication Yuxi, and hid it up in private, eventually led to the mean death. While this Yuxi on suspicion and detonated a 18 Road princes competing internal interests of the inherent differences - breaking down the allied forces then, China began to fall into the whole campaign of the war lords. Dong Zhuo moved the capital, its all kinds of evil is to be added to the point. DPRK senior official Wang Yunli used in its adopted son Lu Bu Dong Zhuo contradiction between, and uphold justice and conspiracy of a female righteous Diao Chan, the "honey trap" and "drive a wedge into account," together with the perfect integration of the implementation plan - "a chain of dollars . " In Wang Yun's carefully planned and Diao Chan's selfless dedication, the chain meter finally successful, Dong died in his adopted son Lu Bu's halberd next. By this time, Diao Chan has long been deeply in love with her "prey" - Lu Bu ... ... Sun Quan Dong Zhuo's death dominate Jiangdong actually worsened the central and local chaos, but between the various forces of the enemy patterns are slowly evolving with - in the Yellow River to the north of the military alliance originally formed Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have conquered a lot of their northern princes - even invincible Lu Bu! Finally, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's war broke out between, which is three times the first World War: Battle of Guandu also tens of thousands of people over hundreds of thousands in a dramatic battle. After the war, Cao Cao unified the North China and Hebei, its Xiahou Dun, Dian Wei, Cao Ren, Air / etc talents gathered, powerful Sheng, a vassal of the strength of the strongest. In the Yangtze River to the east of the son of Sun Jian, Sun Ce's younger brother, known as the "purple bearded, blue-eyed child" of Wu Sun Quan inherited the throne, after strenuous efforts, has become a dominant separatist party, Jiangdong, and received state disability unique and remarkable resourcefulness Marshal - Zhou Yu's loyalty to his assistant, also won the Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, etc. giving rise of the warrior's utter devotion. As in the Central Plains, defeated three brothers of Liu Bei hard not to find their own almost deprived of accommodation, also tragically lost during the. Then Guan Yu was Cao Cao's shelter to Guan Yu has always been unwilling to submit to make great love of the martial arts of Cao Cao Guan Yu is very sad. Righteous spirit Guan finally learned the whereabouts of Liu Bei, then staged a "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles", "over five hurdles" to search for Yoshie's eternal legend ... ... finally reunited in Jingzhou has a temporary three brothers of Liu Bei the shelter. As Liu Bei's virtue and reputation, their livestock from Jingzhou, Liu Biao inherited a piece of peace in the hands of strategic control of land, and through sincere "Highlighting" the lucky invited to have lived in the local wisdom when the world first High people - come join Wolong Zhuge Liang. At this time, Cao Cao's army strikes, war spreading, Jingzhou stake. And led hundreds of thousands of Liu Bei would rather follow their own people, "the 1st ten miles" to slow flight, is not willing to abandon the people of their rapid retreat. This Daren righteous deeds, for Liu Bei won a higher prestige. In flight, but also moving, staging a classic story - Dangyang drink like a fish Tuidi Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun Nagasaka Savior, etc., is still being hailed for. The cruel face of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and others back to the wall nowhere had to seek refuge with Sun Quan of Jiangdong, but Sun Quan forces from within and has a "war party" "reconcilable" the fierce dispute. Zhuge Liang's ambassador to Koto, "war of words Group Confucianism", Sun Quan and Cao Cao determined to fight to the death, because at this time of Soochow though weak, but it has favorable factors for it, while Cao Cao is not good at the Northern army in the water war . Then, after a "Kanroji marriage," "Chinese Story" "Ku Rouji" "Jiang Gan Pirates of the book" The battle of wits between a series of three, Sun Quan and Cao Cao made the two forces finally decisive battle in the Yangtze River. Finally, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang in the careful planning, the Three Kingdoms era of the second World War - Red Cliff war began. Zhuge Liang applied their wisdom "on the pretext of wind," Zhou Yu Sun Liu coalition command application "Huoshaochibi" will lock in the Yangtze River on Cao Cao's warships array group burned ashes, beautiful Chibi World War won the victory. Liu Bei Association people cross the river Unfortunately, the defeat of Cao Cao in flight through the Huarong, and was ordered to guard here Run out Cao Cao Cao Cao and Guan Yu even take notice of him for helping his career that year, the righteous spirit world freed Cao Cao. Degrading to Liu Bei and Guan Yu mission confessing Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei to forgive him. At a time when Liu Bei to know: Zhuge Liang was actually intends to Emotion re-defined arrangements to Hua Rong Dao Guan, the aim is to put a way out of Cao Cao. Because he knew - Cao Cao's death, the North will once again into chaos, and only Cao, Sun, Liu formation of the three pillars in order to provide respite and growth of Liu Bei's time to really win one day dominate the world of strength. "Tripod" has become the post-war Red Cliff Liu Bei strictly follow the guidelines. He swept south, conquering Nishikawa, southwest China's vast area as their own and while they gathered up their account will have Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Wei Yan was busy with a series of remarkable. At this point, the turbulent North Lawrence of Cao Cao, Liu Bei royal decline southwest, east three young Sun Quan, the king's supremacy, "the three pillars of" pattern finally formed - that is "three." Zhuge Liang after the war of words Group Confucian Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao reflect on the reasons for the defeat of the Red Cliff war, understand the military's victory or defeat depends basically on the overall national strength, or strength. He was active in agriculture, economic development, improved political system, and vigorously recruit talent - even if the person is capable of, even had "murder adultery" were never exceptional hiring! Lawrence of Cao Cao's eclectic spirit produced results, the North ushered in unprecedented prosperity. However, Cao Cao's court-house, cruel struggle between entropy wins are quietly engaged in - young and intelligent brother Prince Cao Chong was brutally murdered, in the end Who is the murderer? The answer is revealed when the notice any such dignity in Cao Cao also surprised! Bourne unpredictable careerist Sima Yi started the political arena, he would bet on the least qualified and most have the potential to compete for the throne Prince - Pi body, hands and taught him to bite the bullet art of Tao night. Another more Prince - the famous ancient Chinese writer Cao Zhi, Cao Cao's death is also involved in a battle with Cao Pi's throne among the more intertwined during the two and a goddess-like woman - Chen Fei love and hatred. Power, love, brothers, desire, war, conspiracy to ... ... all the confusion are closely entangled, everyone's struggling in deep ... ... hence the birth of the "Lo River" "Quatrain of Seven Steps" This Chinese literature the brilliant culmination! Liu Bei and Sun Quan Lu Bu brave invincible alliance have the same conditions, they revolved around the issue of the ownership of Jingzhou, tug of war battle in general. Finally, in the well-planned conspiracy under Sun Quan, Lu Meng's forces captured Jingzhou, Jingzhou while guarding the Five Tigers a commanding first - "great arms," Guan Yu has therefore were killed. Nishikawa immediately thrown into great grief, Liu Bei lost their senses, despite the lack of strength and Zhuge Liang's painstaking efforts to persuade, even the whole nation's strength, led a crusade Wu, vowing to avenge Guan Yu! But also to regain valuable strategic location - Jingzhou! Army of Liu Bei dumping the power of the whole country hit, and Sun Quan of the countries at this time very empty talent, Zhou Yu, Lu Meng's death, not even the generals can not find the enemy. Sun Quan despite the opposition up and down, decided to enable a young man without any qualifications as viceroy, the Wu Kingdom, then the sound of contempt and doubt filled the Koto. In this way, Sun Quan and Liu Bei under immense pressure to confront the hard eight months, waiting for the arrival of summer ... ... finally, the third World War Three Kingdoms period - Yiling war broke out, the Wu Kingdom violent use Fire Attack, Liu Bei stationed in the mountains will be among the 800 in joint burned, Liu Bei defeated and fled, ultimately to die in Baidicheng Pathetique, and Shu great national loss. The "Burning the Camps" for all to experience the genius of the Wu Kingdom military skills, but also high noon Sun Quan prestige and established a pattern of keeping a third of the world! Liu Bei died, his son Liu Chan to the throne, but Zhuge Liang has become the de facto king Nishikawa. One hand, he should "do anything" to painstakingly countries, on the one hand and "6 Qishan" hard to attack the North, on the one hand but also to avoid their loyalty by Liu Shan and other royal staff suspicion ... ... and also appeared in the same predicament Cao Cao's death in the north court - this time successor Cao Pi, Sima Yi, however, the ambition to usurp the throne, "is obvious", the two are engaged in struggle against the emperor and overtly or covertly. Thus, one is loyal to Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, one is ambitious, Faithfulness actually two completely different because of the similar situation, the sworn enemy from the battlefield into a sympathetic Concert! It is also a deep understanding of Zhuge Liang Sima Yi because of the situation, dare to use the "Empty City" this bizarre plan to scare off Sima Yi - This is the place the other party a way out, also won a breathing space to their own time. "Three Kingdoms" which lasted over a hundred years of the great legends of the times, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi in two brilliant master of war intelligence soldiers in a battle of wits, gradually coming to an end ... ... AD 234, Zhuge Liang tired as illness, death in Wuzhang original swallowed their anger, from Shu no longer able to resist the invasion of Sima family. AD 251, the control Weiguo Zheng Board of Sima Yi, who died in Luoyang, but the Sima family dominate the world of Sima Yi won Caojia Jiang Shan program began. AD 252, was an influential East Wu Dadi Sun Quan, who died in the APB, and soon began to fall into the throne of Wu in the battle of the civil strife. Towards the end of the three countries. Heroes bid farewell to the era of the stage, flashing in the history of the sky ... ... 12 years later, the Sima family exterminate Liu Chan of Shu Han regime; then two years later, Sima family usurped the right of the Cao Wei, the establishment of the "Jin" Dynasty; to AD 280, the Sima family of the Wu Kingdom and helped clear the Koto. So far, the Chinese re-attributed to unification - "Three Kingdoms" is giving birth to magnificent era of the great legend is finally over. But one of the heroes and moving story, one of the superior wisdom and uprightness - generations of Chinese people still lips now, and moved one after another of the Asian and Western! Goof father Sun Jian Sun Quan said lens, the Western Han Dynasty of Wang Mang Cuanni, this view is wrong, are descendants of the Eastern Han Dynasty Western Han Dynasty known to history, did not claim the Eastern Han Dynasty Western Han Dynasty. Liu Bei went to the Alliance, said that "the world rise and fall of every man's duty." This phrase actually came from the famous Ming and Qing thinkers Saying "Daily Understanding", Kazakhstan, Liu Bei has crossed a careless. Tao Qian and son said he wanted to make Cao Cao, but self-defeating. "Self-defeating" is from the Song Huang Ting "Zhuo Xuan Song": "self-defeating, as the snake foot. Cao Cao Liu Bei said that when he signs Yuan Shu when the soldiers said:" Soldiers, I know that in front of a large plum, where the plums delicious, and we hurry hurry, around the hill to the Merlin on it! "Soldiers 1, as if already ingest, lift your spirits and could not help speed up the pace a lot. Liu Bei then the words," the prime minister fancies will be able to spread through the ages, but the "fancies" from the Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi false deceitful (jué) ", Liu Bei has crossed. The object of Cao Cao even the conquered from Zhang Xiu Yuan Shu into.
[Edit this section] Historical summary
189 years of ruling the brother of Empress Dowager He Jin Yuan Shao contact, killing Jian Shuo. Shao and Zhao Dong into Luoyang to aid. When the eunuchs to kill He Jin, and Shao-eunuchs when they had destroyed, Zhuo shuaibing into Luoyang, make great affairs of state. He deposed Shaodi, a separate agreement for the emperor Liu, the Emperor Xian of Han. Zhuo of the Eastern Han Dynasty courtier and arbitrary aroused opposition from local Mushou, causing large-scale civil war. Zhuoru Luo Yang, the Shao fled to Ji Zhou, Qiao Mao Ting Sangong under the guise of the name of the DPRK to require gun fortress crusade Zhuo, Kanto-gun have to respond. Tuen their vital points, pushing Shao was the chief offensive Zhuo camera. 190, Dong Feng avoid Kanto soldiers, kidnapped Emperor Xian Chang westward. Coalition between the Kanto annexation of fraud, and soon fall apart. 193 Dong Zhuo was killed off in the confusion. 196 years, and create a number of separatist regions: Yuan Shao occupy Youzhou, blue, and, Hebei four states account for Yan Cao, Yu-two states, Han Sui, Martens occupy Liangzhou, Kung-sun's degree in Liaodong, Tao Qian, Liu Bei, Lu Bu , Cao Cao has occupied Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Huainan occupy part of Yuan Shu, Liu Biao take Jingzhou, Liu Zhang occupy Yizhou, Sun Ce Jiangdong Yangzhou occupied part of the state Shixie take delivery. 197, Zhang Lu to the organization of insurance, according to Taoism Hanzhong area, home to rule China Ji Jiu. Independent regime in these persons, the most powerful and most active of the Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Zhuoru Luo Yang, the Cao Cao fled chenliu, poly soldiers resist a coalition of a Kanto. His economic Seductive Yellow Turban Army 30 North Peoples, select the elite, compiled for the Green Island soldiers; they gradually incorporate some of despotic landlords armed. Jian first year, he moved to Emperor Xian Hui County, made to order that no minister Fengtian trend; Farming continued funding. 200 years, Cao, Yuan armies to battle Guandu, operating a David and Goliath, to wipe out the main Yuan Jun; has captured the contradiction between use Shaoer Zi Yuan's Ye City, have occupied the land of four states, the unification of the north. 207, Cao out Lulong Cyprus, north Wuhuan beat interference (or Karasuma). 208, Cao Junnan, the capture of Liu Biao's son Liu Cong by far the Jingzhou. Relying on the Jingzhou Liu Bei fled south. Lu Su was ordered by Sun Quan and equipment to meet to discuss countermeasures, Zhuge Liang are affected by the order of preparation, in Soochow Chaishang alliance with a total anti-Cao. Sun, Liu coalition defeated Cao in Chibi, Cao returned to the Central Plains. Formed the Three Kingdoms. 216, Cao Cao returned to Northern, the use of troops in the Guanzhong, Longxi, unified the north, proclaimed himself king and. 219, Liu Bei from Cao won the hands of Hanzhong, control the entire Nishikawa, self-styled Hanzhong Wang. 222, Sun Quan seizure Jingzhou, Liu Bei defeated the invasion, rival powers throughout the East, proclaimed himself king. Thus, the situation of the Three Kingdoms formally established, maintained 40 years of history. . . . . .
[Edit this section] the director introduced
Who directed "ten years of marriage," "Happiness, like, like flowers," "vertical combat" and the director of high drama Chihi each work have a very high ratings, the more contentious because of the various, and he was praised as a "ratings Security. " People's Liberation Army Air Force Television Art Center is currently the director of high Chihi, was born in Jiangxi in 1962, because by the family, he had grown up studying painting, the first art school in Jiangxi Fine Arts, then to the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts training, after graduation, will be in high Chihi Jiangxi studio work in art. Doing art, he directed the occupation of the heart has been longing. In 1990, the high Chihi director admitted to the Beijing Film Academy Graduate. After graduation, he was director of the road was officially launched, since 1994, television movie, movies, TV, high Chihi 11 foot, he shot the works include the TV shows "Flying Award," "Golden Eagle Award", TV film "Lily Award", the movie "Huabiao" almost all major awards. In recent years, high Chihi will focus on the drama work, from 2002's "Flowers" to "ten years of marriage," "Historical Sky" to "and love with the students," "Untold."
[Edit this section] key creative team
Joint produced
Communication University of China, Beijing Galloping Horse TV Television Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Province, Anhui Radio and Television Movie TV star Oriental Investment Co., Ltd. Tianjin TV station China Central Television and Beijing Television Culture Co., Ltd. Heng Oriental Beijing 100 Union Planning Co., Ltd. Beijing Lin Gaofei Television Music Television Media Co., Ltd. Jilin Province, Film and Television Production Group
Cheng System
Beijing Galloping Horse Film Culture Development Co., Ltd.
Total issue
Beijing Oriental Culture Co., Ltd. Heng and Television
[Edit this section] the role of team
Wei characters
Role played by
Cao Cao (word Meng) Jianbin
Sima Yi (word chongda) Red Ni
Cao Chong (word Cang Shu) An Peng Zeyu
Pi (word son Huan) in Bin
Cao Zhang (sub-word text) Li Feng
Cao Zhi (sub-word construction) Li Jichun
Cao Rui (characters Chung) Yang Demin
By Xiao-Jing Shu Li
Mrs. Bai Bian
Empress Dowager Guo Di-
Empress Liu Zi-Jiao Cao
Xun Yu (word text, if) Mr. Li
Guo Jia (word Feng Xiao) Wang heart today
CHENG Yu (Zizhong Germany) Jiang Changyi
Xu You (the word child away) Mao Mao Xu
Xiahou Yuan (magic words only) Chyi-Long Lee
Cao Ren (word Zixiao) Yang Guang
Cao (the word Oscar) Lee on behalf of the Qing
Cao Zhen (Zidan words) Jin Zhao
Cao Shuang (word Zhaobo) Tian Xia
Cao Song (words giant high) Guoji Yun
Cao Fang (word Lan Qing) Yuan Shao Xiong
Air / (word text far) range with silver
Zhang Hesheng (Word Jun Yi in) Tan Jianchang
Xu Huang (word Komeito) Chen Wei
Yu Jin (word Wenze) WU Ke-gang
Xu Chu (word Nakayasu) Guo Tao
Li Dian (word Man as) the new CAO
Pound (words that specify) Tin Cheung
Yang Hsiu (word tride) Jin Yi
Jiang Gan (word sub-Wing) Li Mu Ge
Wu quality (word season weight), Wang Mao tired
Zhong Yao (regular characters) Li Hua
Hua Xin (sub-word fish) Zhang Xi ago
Wang Lang (the word King Hing) Bing-Yu
Chen Qun (word length text) Sun Hai
Dong Zhao (word public Ren) Yang Chuanxi
Sima division (sub-word element) Zhao Dacheng
Sima Zhao (sub-word yet) Liu Guoguang
Xiahou Ba (Zizhong right) Hu Chunyong
Hao Zhao (Zibo Road) Qin Xiang Fan
Guo Huai (Zibo economic) Zhang apology
SUN Li (word tada) Ya Days
Qin Long Jin promising
Cai Yang beard
Niu Jin Dalin

Shu Han characters
Role played by
Zhuge Liang (Kong Ming word) Lu Yi
Liu Bei (word Xuande) in and Wei
Guan Yu (Yun Chang words) in glory
Zhang Fei (word Yide) Kang Kai
Zhao Yun (the word sub-Dragon) Nie Yuan
Wei Yan (text word length) Xinjun
Huang (Chinese characters liters) Song by Road
Ma Chao (word from Bangladesh) Yi-Lin
Liu Shan (word public Si) He-Ming Wang
Pang Tong (characters Sze) Du Xudong
Method is (word Takanao) Zhang Xinhua
Zhang Song (words Yongnian) Ya-chun
Jiang Wei (Zibo about) Ye Peng
Ma Liang (regular season word) from the 1000 Miss
Ma Su (Word Young Chang) Zheng Shiming
Sun dry (word Kinsuke) Yang Rui
Guan Ping Fan near round
Zhou Cang Zhang Shengyang
Mei Fang (word sub-square) Hung Fat
Zhang Bao (word Ampang) Chai Jin
Guan Xing (word Yasukuni) Wei Chi
马岱 summer
Li Yan Deng Liming
Wang Ping (son of both words) Wang Huan
Gao Xiang Gang
严颜 Li Xu
Huang (word Kinhira) Sun Wanqing
Yangyi (words Wei public) of Accomplishment
Meifu Ren Yi Sha business
Lady Di Gan Tang percent

Soochow People
Role played by
Sun Quan (word Zhongmou) Zhang Bo
Sun Quan (teenager) Zheng Wei
Sun Ce (word Bo-Fu) Sha Yi
Sun Jian (word Observatory) Fan Yulin
Zhou Yu (Gong Jin words) Huang Wei De (China Taiwan)
Lu Su (word Xianzhi) Huo Qing
Lu Meng (word ming) often Cheng (Singapore)
Wu Kingdom (Zibo words) Shao Feng
Zhao (word sub-fabric) Shen Jie
Zhuge Jin (word Zi Yu) Cao Yi
Sun Xiao-mei (Sun Shangxiang) Ruby Lin (China Taiwan)
Big Joe Liu Jing
Xiao Qiao Zhao Ke
Kang Wu Tai Chi group
Joe with the old Xue Xiaolong
Cheng Pu (German word plan), and Ming Zhong
Huang Gai (word public cover) Liu Kui
Han Dang (meaning the public) Liu Jun
Canning (word Hing Pa) Xia Xiaolong
Zhou Tai (word You Ping) Hou Jie
Xu Sheng (word Man) Sun Yan
Ding Feng (words Cheng Yuan) Jiang Yi
Zhu Ran (meaning closed) Zhu Lei
Pan Zhang (word text Guyana) Han Xin
Sun Huan (Zi Shu Wu) Jun Ji Bin
Yu Fan (word Zhongxiang) Qi Wan
Lu Ji (Chi Kung words) JIA group
Xue Cong (word Jingwen) Yang Rui
Severe (Mann word only) ZHANG Qi-fu
Cheng Bing (German word hub) Jinjun
Chang Wen (word Hui Shu) Bing
Jia Hua Liao Wei force
Zhou Zhao Crystal Good

Han characters
Role played by
Emperor Xian of Han (Zibo and) Luo Jin
Emperor Xian of Han (a teenager) BUZZ
Lü Bu (Fengxian words) Peter Ho (USA)
Diao Chan Hao
Ms. Cai (Chua) Cao Xi Wen
Wang Yun (word sub-division) Yong Zheng days
Dong Zhuo (Zi Zhong Ying) Lu Xiaohe
Yuan Shao (word of the first) Xu Wen-Guang
Yuan Shu (the word highway) Yan Pei
Yuan Tan (the word was thinking) Long Liu
Yuan Xi (the word was Yi) Blue Sky
Gongsun Zan (Zibo Guyana) Wang Baogang
Tao Qian (word Christine ancestors) Tong Han
Jung (word Wenju) Alteration by
Liu Dai (the word Mt) Xu Xiao
Liu Biao (Jingsheng words) Ji successful
Liu Zhang (word Kwai) Li Yuemin
Liu Qi Fan Camp
Zhang Ren mediocre
Zhang Lu (word public Qi) Li Daguang
Maarten (word life into) Ning-sheng
Han Sui (word text about) Hu Sha
Sima Hui (word German speaking) WANG Shi-jun
Cui Ping Cao Zhanjun state
Xu Shu (characters straight) Yao Gang
Zhuge Jun Yu Xiaobin
Pu Jing Fan Shide
Hua Tuo (character of) Cai Jun
Dong Cheng Bao-Song Gao
Chen Gong (the word public station) Hongtao
Chen Gui (Chinese word yu) Fluidized
Chen Deng (characters long) still Yue
Ru Dong Song weight
Li Jue (word juvenile is involved) Gongzhi Science
Guo Si Gong Zhi Xi
Hua Xiong Ding Xiaonan
颜良 Li Xu
Wen Chou Wang Mengchuan
Tian Feng (characters Hao) Xu Tao
Guo map (the word public is) Han Zhenguo
Cai Mao (characters Germany Guyana) Dan
Zhong Cai Guo Xin Miao
Ji Ling Fu-sheng
Cai and Lifang Yao
Rong Wang Wentao criminal Road
Fan Jiang Zhi-Yong Dong
Degree of responsibility for Liu Wang

[Edit this section] six core character
Chaos Hero - Cao Cao
Cao Cao (155-220), the word Meng. Eastern Han Dynasty politician, military strategist, poet, to sign and skilled, to be used as a god. Unified North Cao Cao (Jianbin decorated) side, "depending on the emperor to the nobility" (Fengtian so not Morrison), spent his whole life. Cao Cao's father Cao Song (official Qiu) as eunuch Cao Teng son, Cao Cao Teng phase after the Han. Cao Pi became the emperor, the Zhuizun Weiwu. Cao Cao in the North Fangtun Tian, building water conservancy projects, solve the problem the lack of rations, the recovery of agricultural production have a certain effect; meritocratic, recruit in the lower rungs of the landlord class, inhibit the despotic, enhance centralization. Areas dominated by socio-economic recovery and development. Elite law, a "strategic solution grandson," "Bingshu access to" and other books. Good poetry, "Artemisia in line", "View of the sea" and other poems, to express their political aspirations, and reflect the suffering of the Late Han people live, courage magnificent, generous desolation. Prose is clean and pure. Author of "Weiwu set." Cao Cao strategy notch, dominated the world. Off Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao broken, punish Lu Bu, Sun Quan Zheng, defeated numerous opponents life, the occasion of the unification of China in the face of missed opportunities, but China's economic development, governance means the North is certainly worthy of the people. Looking at the Chinese school-age cast, Jianbin is the best choice to play Cao Cao, where he shot no one can suppress the flames. Cao Cao who he has played several roles in the shadow of his past: "Qiao Family Courtyard," Riccio To-yung of the atmosphere, "Days of Glory" in Yuan Chih-hao's funny, "married for ten years" to grow the lovely, of course, Classic Cao necessary treacherous body. Bao Guoan old version of the show in a more romantic temple's majesty and literary, performing Jianbin true nature and wilderness more gas, he even let some of Cao Cao with Liu Bang rogue gas. Bao Guoan and Jianbin the same from the Central Drama Academy, who, at the same brokerage firm, and "Cao Cao" is their career of the most substantial roles.
Benevolence monarch - Liu Bei
Liu Bei (161-223), the word Xuande. Shu Han emperor, according to legend is the son of Emperor Jing Liu Jing of Zhongshan Liu Bei (in and Wei decoration) victory for future generations. Liu Bei juvenile death of his father, and mother living trafficking shoes woven straw mat. Yellow Turban Rebellion, the troops of Liu Bei organizational justice, with the government forces aimed at eliminating the Yellow Turbans, active, Renan Xi Xianyu, and soon official position by whipping the inspector. After the Qin and Han dynasties, Liu Bei are weak, often depend on others, has surrendered over Gongsun Zan, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, and others, after several twists and turns, still without their own sites. The occasion of the Battle of Chibi, Cao Liu Bei Wu to resistance, victory, from Soochow Department to "borrow" to Jingzhou, developed rapidly, in Pang Tong and France are helping, the annexation of Yizhou, occupation Hanzhong, self-reliance for the king, will to include large areas of Sichuan. The establishment of Shu Han regime. Died after Guan Yu, Sun Quan seizure Jingzhou is, 221 years, when Cao Pi forced Emperor Xian of Han demise last October emperor, Emperor Xian of Han Xiu then rumors have been killed, Liu Bei then in the south of Chengdu military worried emperor, reign title of Chapter Wu. The following year cutting Soochow defeat, suffered heavy losses, return Baidicheng. Bengshi illness, at the age of 63, posthumous No. Zhaolie Di. Liu Bei life displaced to war the world, but widely distributed in the name of universal virtue, and eventually became king of the industry.
Dong Wu Dadi - Sun Quan
Sun Quan (182-252), the word Zhongmou. Sun unusual type emperor. Famous great statesman. Legend is China's Art of War Sun Wu family descendants, born purple bearded, blue-eyed. Put down an early age to follow his elder brother Sun Ce Jiangdong, Sun Quan (Zhang Bo decoration) Sun Quan 15 years of age, were cited as Xiaolian, 17-year-old successor to Wu Hou. Young man inanimate, there is the Towers Gou; deep with shrewdness, keen insight into people's hearts. Cao Cao Nanzheng occasion, Sun Quan regulation ministers contradictions defeated Cao Cao at the Red Cliff, and soon won Jingzhou, open up South, dominated the stand for the emperor Koto. During the reign of Sun Quan to develop large-scale maritime industry, economic development, and Wei Shu and overseas countries to trade; resume production. Made in southern China has witnessed a boom, Sun Quan with outstanding leadership and unique political vision, still before the emperor and Guangzhou, in the counties pay the state; 242 years and capture of Hainan Island troops, 10,000 troops here has made handle across the Strait to the island of Taiwan is basically uniform in the south. He launched a large-scale Farming measures to southern areas of agriculture, handicraft industry and commerce, the maritime industry has made great progress in promoting China's economic center of gravity shift from north to south. Soochow in the reign of Sun Quan, as long as half a century, has maintained a strong strength, to become the longest duration among the three countries, the final destruction of the country, together with the period of the famous statesman Cao Cao exclaimed: "Son when such Sun Zhongmou!
Generation were similar - Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang (181-234 years), Zhuge Liang (Lu Yi decorated) word Ming, No. Wolong. Shu prime minister. Three times the greatest statesman, strategist, diplomat. Jian years (207 years), Zhuge Liang the age of 27, Liu Bei, "Highlighting", met Zhuge Liang asked to unify the world plan, wise and incisive analysis of the situation at that time, made the first seizure Jing, as a base benefit, domestic reform political, foreign joint Sun Quan, Fu Yi South Vietnam, West and Zhu Rong, waiting time, two-way send troops to the Northern Expedition to unify the country's strategic thinking, this conversation is the famous "Long Zhong." Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang coming out earnestly requested, to help him complete the Recovery of the cause of the Han Dynasty. Zhuge Liang then coming out adjuvant Liu Bei, Sun Alliance against Cao Cao defeated in the Red Cliff. The formation of the three rival powers of the situation, seizing Jingzhou. Kin 16, the capture Yizhou. After they beat Cao, won the Hanzhong. 20 years, after the king in Hanzhong Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang was appointed as the army, division, presided over affairs of state. Three years (223 years), Liu Bei in critical condition, state the matter later. Liu Shan to the throne, Zhuge Liang been called the prime minister, Si Li Xiaowei, the Book of Order, receive benefits mok, sealing Wu Xiang Hou. Diligent care, the size of government affairs will be personally dealt with strict punishment and reward, and Soochow Union, and Southwest to improve the relationship between ethnic groups, the implementation of Farming, enhance combat readiness. Lite-five years (227 years), Shang Shu (the "Chu Shi Biao") in the Liu Shan, his troops out in Hanzhong, after the Northern Expedition 6 central China, more grain to make reactive. Years, the end result of overwork, died in Wuzhang former military, will be entrusted funeral Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang was in office during the bow to make sad, dying, hard, reward and punishment, in his governance during the unprecedented strength of Shu Han strength, several confrontations with Wei occupies the upper hand because of its governance Caibei people chasing that "through the ages the first prime minister." Lasts. Posthumous title for chasing after the death of Marquis Wu Zhong. After the founding of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wu Xing Wang Zhuizun Zhuge Liang was.
Eternal Merry - Zhou Yu
Zhou Yu (175-210), the word Gong Jin, Soochow star Zhou Yu (Huang Wei De ornaments), Lujiang Shucheng people. Childhood acquaintance with Sun Ce, became life or death, then has his assistant, Sun Ce, Sun Quan. Wise and brave, unfortunately died young, only 36 years old. Zhou Yu majestic history of the British hair and a broad mind. Unfortunately, since the Yuan Dynasty, it gradually to demonize its result, narrow-minded Zhou Yu became a synonym for the word. Sun Ce put down the war in Jiangdong played a dual role of advisers and military commanders, with scheme rein in Taishi Ci. Sun Ce put down Koto, Zhou Yu Jun military governor of any water. 200 years, Sun Ce early death, Sun Quan said, before dying, "Foreign Affairs is not never asked Zhou Yu." Sun Quan to the throne, the very letter Renzhou Yu. 208, Sun Quan expedition Huang, Zhou Yu sets a great service. 208, Cao Cao south, aimed against the Koto, Sun Quan war and uncertain. Zhou Yu back in time from the Poyang Lake, far to the right of the many defects of Cao Cao, Sun Quan decided to make a war with Cao Cao. As the water military viceroy, Zhou Yu, the plan for big break with Fire Attack Cao Cao, this is the famous Battle of Red Cliff. After the War of Red Cliff, Zhou Yu when the poisoned arrow attack Shire, but still desperate to remove the Shire. Zhou Yu then cut south of the Yangtze to Liu Bei, Sun Quan, but Liu Bei to Jingkou see, asking for the Jingzhou, Sun Quan agreed, so Zhou Yu had to retreat to Chaishang gun wounds and illness during the Zhou Yu reminded to guard against Liu Bei Sun Quan. 210, Zhou Yu lead his troops to attack Nishikawa, when the city line to baciu Jianshang attack, died young, only 36 years old. Sun Quan heard the news immediately after the Su Fu Zhou Yu to meet the coffin back to Chaishang.
Ghost seeking Fortune - Sima Yi
Sima Yi (179-251), the word Trend, Wei star, Hanoi warm people. Sima Yi (Ni red decoration) Three Kingdoms Wei Guojie a politician, military strategist, the founder of the Western Jin Dynasty. Wei had served in the large military governor, Qiu, Tutor. Is his assistant, the Wei Tuo Gu Colonial of three generations of an important official post as full control of the powerful minister Wei affairs of state. The most significant achievement of his life many times personally led the successful fight against Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition army, Sima Yi resourceful man, good contingent, in the course of the Northern Expedition not stick, use of various tactics break Shu Army, later playing pigs tiger slaughter Cao Cao imperial clan; master Wei power, so Wei exist in name only; Sima family's rise, its official announcement of the advent of the three countries also marks the end. Sima Yi's death posthumous title of Wen Hou Wuyang declared, the king was the second son of Sima Zhao was closed after the bestowed as Xuan Wang Yi, Emperor Wudi emperor, the Zhuizun Yi as Jinxuan Di.
[Edit this section] the roots of the four troubled times
Soochow Princess - Sun Shangxiang
Sun Shangxiang, three times one of the main female characters, that Ms. Sun, in the novel "Three Kingdoms" is called Sun Ren. History books, "Han Jin Chunqiu" record named Sun Ren Xian. Birth and death unknown, Wu Jun Fuchun (now Zhejiang Fuyang) people. Sun Shangxiang (Ruby Lin ornaments) stunning beauty - Diao Chan
Diao Chan is the meaning of girl Situ Wang family, to save the Han Dynasty, Wang Yun inspired by the implementation of a chain of dollars to Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu the two against each other, finally got rid of by the hands of Lu Bu Dong Zhuo Wu Zei. After Lu Bu Diao Chan became the concubine Li Jue defeated Dong Zhuo Lu Bu Ministry, she came to Xuzhou with Lu Bu. Xia Pi after the battle, Lu Bu was killed by Cao Cao, Diao Chan, Lu Bu following the family to Xuchang, from disappeared.
State color displacement - Big Joe
Big Joe (Joe the ancient word for "bridge"), date of birth unknown, Lujiang Wan County (now Anhui hill) people, for Joe Public eldest, Sun Ce's wife, Missy's sister. And Little Joe and known as "Joe Koto II", is allegedly a real beauty.
Exquisite Beauty - Little Joe
Little Joe, Three Kingdoms period, one of the main female characters, whose real name is unknown. In the history books, "Three Kingdoms" written in the name of "bridge." Birth and death unknown, Lujiang Wan County (now Anhui hill) people, the wife of Zhou Yu.
[Edit this section] theme music
Opening Theme:
"I am also a peaceful world" Authors: Yi Ming Composer: Zhao Jiping allocation: Zhao Lin Song: CY Liao situation changes from greenish yellow Department had issued Yunwenyunwu imminent third world of light and heavy tripod you can ask for songs wrapped in bombs launched Sword Overlord cause of the collision is not a mass of empty man named instant spark of life a hundred years Guanghua Ma Jiangnan Chun Heng Fa Saibei autumn hunting picturesque rivers and mountains through the ages I am also a peaceful country through the ages the world has me a peaceful picturesque world
Pianwei Qu:
"Heroes exchanges between heaven and earth" Authors: Yi Ming Composer: Zhao Jiping allocation: Zhao Lin Song: Tan Jin Fang Jue mountains still dream several times in the ancient battlefield of Spring Road is not the first situation can not accept an indecent life you should blog if not paid Qingmeizhujiu children that the world through the hero who is an opponent you have to go back Koto fire Feizhou sons Merry is not empty nor is there a ray of the Britain to not to not to stay permanently in the human world and the world between life and the world with the same life
[Edit this section] creative background
World War II occurred in people heart
Zhu Sujin start not want to write "Three." In 2003, the director Consequential Aggravated and Nanjing, China Central Television to find Yang Xiaoming Zhu Sujin, I hope he can take over the new TV series "Romance of Three Kingdoms" in script writing. 66 Consequential Aggravated directed "Nurhachi", "Taiping", "Kangxi Dynasty" and other major historical drama, the "Three Kingdoms" soft spot, he said Zhu Sujin, will this TV as its closure Mountain for. "'Three' is a very good, classic sense of the cultural treasures of China, which any writer, I would like to not only attractive, but also a challenge. Consequential Aggravated I am familiar and respected director, Yang Xiaoming is what I love documentary, and later I turned down other living, took the "Three Kingdoms". "Zhu Sujin, told reporters on the Southern Weekend. Consequential Aggravated and Xiao-Ming Yang Su Jin Zhu not have any requirements, read the "Kangxi Dynasty," "country weather conditions", "emperor" and they all know that Zhu Sujin's strength in the script writing and serious. Zhu Sujin first complete the "About <Three> The basic idea of" setting the new version of "Three Kingdoms" and the preparation of perspective, method and historical principles, Zhu Sujin's invitation, Zhi-Fang Zhou and Su Hao joined in the screenplay. Zhu Sujin the "Three Kingdoms" as the peaks and pitfalls. "The significance of mountains: the original masterpiece of high artistic value, rich adaptation of resources, a tremendous impact and a wide range of audience expectations; trap is: the more famous the more well-known classic, the fate of its characters, story direction, the outcome The rise and fall so in the audience long before the advent of, predictable and often difficult to build suspense, no suspense, it has not concerned. "In addition, famous events and people to provide the basic relationship between the early-type condensate to be any major changes are easily criticized by the parties. "Today we look back 16 years ago of" Three Kingdoms ", which is people's first love, even if there is a deep feeling ugly girl, let alone other people is not the ugly girl. So we do," three "means that no matter how good people are 'First Love' violations. even Hello people will think you are a notch better than it, we must have such preparation. "Zhu Sujin said. In writing the script before, Zhu Sujin on the "Three Kingdoms" for a careful reading, he thought novels the best features of two: "One is intelligence," Three Kingdoms "in wisdom as mercury spilled to like omnipresent, from the military art of war, the country hegemony, under the Perfect Human Lun Tsunatsune, folk businesses, trick people everywhere, the battle of wits, effort and edge. Second, men and war, "three" people almost all men, they are often completed through three means of its creation, its First, the above mentioned intellectual; second, loyalty, especially in the righteous cause of great loyalty; its third campaign. "Three Kingdoms" by showing scenes of war and the glory of war, in the Chinese literature is still populous, therefore, war movie will occupy in the drama as the peak position, must be written, shot well. "Zhu Sujin adaptation of" Three Kingdoms "This show for more than a dozen people turn around to form a" cell "structure. "The advantage is all the history and stories are concentrated to a few people who, no longer burdened by a mighty historical data, complete breakthrough novels-style step by step, sequentially Road to the structure. The people as a lifeline after the innovations of those who also will be free world. the original "Three Kingdoms" is floating to the surface of the iceberg, and some buried under the sea may be more, bigger, more unpredictable, we can indulge the imagination, the further development of writing, it is necessary , in the compilation process can create throw open the doors, retractable spree. complacent Department Rounds, is not proud of stroke with the Department. "" For example, 'Peach' This is important, but not very nice not to write the story or even completely . because most viewers have long been thoroughly cooked in the heart, even if they would play no play make up the heart of this play; on 'Red Cliff' that brings together all people and all will push the peak of the story, but can spend several times more than the original ink, indulge play, let go and create. because the battle is still in people mind, between life and death is the character's mind fight, war on the battlefield, only people inside the extension. "
Figure greater than the "non"
And the old TV series "Romance of Three Kingdoms" completely faithful to the original, the latest version, "three" in the original novel based on a large number of deletion. For example, the "Three Kingdoms" is beginning to Beijing Dong Cao played, 104 in the original novel back end when the death of Zhuge Liang. New version of "Three Kingdoms" is divided into four parts: the first part of the battle from the opening until the end of Guandu. Mainly chaos, all male and from. Always focus on Cao and Liu commenced and will be Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao Pull. Guandu finally dominated the Central Plains War marked the Cao Cao, Hu Shi world. The time of Liu Bei was in the bottom. The core event is the second part of the Red Cliff war. This war involves all three important figures, can be carefully written to start. Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu is always around to start about eight episodes. Chibi World War marked the Three Kingdoms trend has become, one-third of the world. The third part is the competition between the three stand-off. Three gas Zhou Yu, Guan Guagu, suffered setbacks, and other important events took place in, to Cao Cao's death only. The fourth part of the core is the South Zhuge North Sima, desperate struggle between the soldiers fighting a battle of wits.

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